Here, try some of this delicious cookie, Beck!
On Christmas Eve, Daphne got a puzzle that made sounds when the pieces fit.  FUN!
Aunt Sara gave Daphne a little house for Christmas. She LOVES to hide in it and play in it.
Boy, all this playing is exhausting!  (She fell asleep like this at 10 am!)
No, that's not a baby doll she got for's a baby BROTHER! 
Thanks to this new toy, I now have "Elmo's Song" running though my head 24/7.
This is a flattering picture of BOTH of us!
Am I the only one who thinks this picture looks EXACTLY like Kelly??  Do you see that chin?!
Pretty much all of Beck's first pictures look surprised like this. 
This picture is reminiscent of "A Christmas Story," don't you think?