JULY 2007
  All the kids enjoyed
popsicles on
the trampoline
Daphne and Ada have a
love hate relationship. 
Ada tried to
give Daphne loves
but was rebuffed.
Later, though, they had a great
time chasing the chickens around the yard
and shutting each other
inside the chicken coop.
Daphne discovers the joys of frosting (like her mother
before her) and
Beck chills with
Daddy on the couch.
At a wonderful
place called "The Farm" in Pleasant Grove (owned by my friend Crystal's father), my kids play with my girlfriends' kids every Tuesday.  There is a fountain for them to splash in a teepee, a castle, a cabin, a covered jungle gym, a trampoline, and lots of room to run around.
Meanwhile, all of
us moms sit in a covered picnic area and chat while our babies play at our feet. 

Below are Jack, Torin, Beck, Brandon and the lone girl of the bunch, Miss Amelia Rose, looking pretty in pink (well, a pink baby carrier at least).

loves going to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's house. There is a
horse next door that
she loves to go
see, but since she
can't ride it, she
rides Dillan instead.

I took 
Daphne to the county fair this year.  I wasn't sure if she'd be old
enough for it. But 
she had a great
time riding the carousel
and the the little boats
and seeing the animals. 
Beck is definitely getting more active.  He can't crawl yet, but he
pushes up on his arms until his head is straight up and down.  Daphne
couldn't do that until she was 10 or 11 months old.  Beck can also push
himself backward in this position, so I have to watch him carefully when
he's on the bed.  Pretty soon he'll be mobile...then WATCH OUT, MOMMY!
One of the
highlights from July was
the visit from my brother Ben, his wife Nicki, and their two beautiful kids--James and Avery.  I managed to get a few shots of the kids, but sadly Ben and Nicki escaped my lense.  I do have video of Nicki blowing out her birthday candles, so check the video section soon.
Uncle Brian came over to babysit Daphne, and she and Brian became best friends right away.