JUNE 2007
Just before Daphne's 2nd birthday, she got her first haircut!  More of a trim really.  But she was looking very shaggy.  Cookie Cutters did a good job.  She got to watch a movie and eat a sucker, the stylist paused now and then to blow some bubbles, and at the end she even got a balloon.  And they saved a lock of her hair and stapled it to an official certificate.  Totally worth the $13 price tag!!!
On June 8, Daphne turned 2.  For her birthday the Thompson and Davis relatives came over for cake and ice cream.  Daphne got lots of great presents.  And she pretty much understood what she was doing and how to open the wrapping paper.  The piece de resistence was her Cozy Coupe car.  She and Ada had a little struggle over who got to drive it first, but Daphne finally threw a fit and won. 
Two year olds!
I made Daphne's birthday cake--a lion, her favorite animal.  It was my first attempt at a character cake.  I used butter cream frosting because it tastes better, but it was hard to work with.  The cake turned out OK.  At least Daphne thought so!  She also did a great job blowing out her candles.  We practiced all week and luckily she didn't freeze up.  All in all, it turned out to be a great party!
We also took Daphne to the Thanksgiving Point farm for her birthday.  She absolutely loved seeing all the animals in real life that she knows from her books.   She even got to ride a pony.  I thought she would be scared, but she wasn't.  She loved every minute and cried when it was time to get off.
"True, I did climb up here, but now I'm not so sure about this."
"Hi, Tree!"
Ok, enough Daphne.  Let's see some cute pictures of Beck...
"Hi, Tree!"
Daphne thought it was really cool to eat her banana like a monkey instead of all cut up on her tray. 
So Beck is not quite ready to sit up on his own yet.
I'll leave you with this one final thought about two-year olds.....  Beware their teeth when they're not happy with you!