november 2007
This is going to be a short page of pictures.  I guess I didn't pick up the camera a lot this month.
The hair says, "Just got out of the shower."
The eyes say, "Just peed in the bed."
This girl loves dirt. Actually she loves seperating rocks from dirt. A sand box, forget that, gimme some rocks!
Beck enjoys the nightly ritual of having most of the bath water dumped over his head by his loving sister.
......And Daphne enjoyed dumping the leaves on Beck's head. Keep him in place, big sis!
18 huge bags of leaves from our yard. Beck helps by looking for spiders and slugs. Eewww!
Although her Crayola press-on nails were certainly the height of style and taste, sadly she was shuned by the toddler fasion police for wearing her white butterfly PJ's after labor day. :(