It was our yearly visit to the pumpkin patch.  Maybe our last since it was by Jennie's house and Jennie is moving. 
Anyway, it's fun to go here every year and see how our family has changed and how our kids have grown.
On a blustery day, the kids and I met my friend Tiburon and her two youngest kids at the park.  This is Beck and Amelia, two months apart in age.  Aren't they sweet?
Beck can crawl!  At 10 months old, a full month before Daphne could, Beck started to crawl.  Now he's so proud of himself when he can be a BIG kid.  It's all good as long as Daphne doesn't see him in her chair!
I caught this great picture of Daphne and Ada giving each other loves.  I had to take a picture since it is one of the last times they'll be together.  The Westenhavers are moving to Texas in a few weeks!
Daphne is right at home here with her stuffed animals.  She loves animals so much!
Looks like my little fashion queen wants a pair of her own boots.  Or maybe she just wants to do whatever her daddy is doing.  Yep, that's probably it.
Kelly got a new pair of Sorel boots for his birthday.  Excellent!  Now he can shovel the driveway all winter!
When Daphne was a tiny baby I noticed that she had super flexible thumb joints.  Her thumbs will bend all the way back towards her wrist without it hurting her at all.  Well, I guess Beck also got flexible joints too, but his are in his legs.  He always seems to be going the splits these days. I have no idea where my kids got these weird joints.  Must be a Thompson thing.
Kelly turned 36 this year.  We celebrated once with his friends, once with his family, and once with mine.  Man, that guy gets a lot of parties!
For Halloween, Daphne was a monarch butterfly and Beck was a sheep.  I'm not sure either one of them really got what was going on, but they were both good about wearing their costumes. 
It was an uncommonly warm Halloween.  It was in the low 60's during the day and still in the upper 50's by evening.  Plus, Daylight Savings was pushed back a week so it was still light.  It was great for trick-or-treating!
Kelly and I took turns taking Daphne door to door while the other one held Beck or took pictures.  Daphne was in a pretty good mood and played along very well.  We made it all the way around the block without any problems. 
Our first stop trick or treating was our neighbor's house who has a son Daphne plays with.  She knocked on the door and when he opened it, she walked right in!  She didn't get that she had to stand on the door step.  But I hauled her out, she got some candy, and we moved on.

The second stop was more successful.  Although when the lady asked her if she wanted some candy, she said, "Nope!"  But the lady put some in her bag anyway.  Once Daphne looked in and saw a sucker, she had to hold it the rest of the time.

By the end, Daphne got quite good at trick or treating.  She didn't knock very loudly or say "trick-or-treat" very well, but she did hold her bag out for candy.  And she didn't cry or run away.  It was a pretty successful night!
Daphne loved getting all that candy.  The suckers were her favorite and I think she had 3 going at once.  Beck liked crinkling the skittles bag.
I finally got a minute to shoot some cute pictures of Beck in his costume.  He was such a good sport!
Daphne loved getting all that candy.  The suckers were her favorite and I think she had 3 going at once.  Beck liked crinkling the skittles bag.
Ok, so it wasn't a ton of booty, but Daphne was still in heaven.  She went through all that candy in about 20 minutes.  Not bad for her first Halloween.